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Solid Rock Ag Solutions Field Day

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Join us for an educational experience for all!

Join us as we take a walk in our test plot to see the affects of different planting factors such at depth, downforce, and closing systems. See the show case of some GTS products as well as discuss this great company with representative Thawann Cardoso. You will experience a live demonstration of our planter and systems used in our test plot. 

We will also be featuring Headsight and Wearparts Tillage

No event would be complete without a refreshing lunch. This event's lunch will be coming from the Homestead in Remington.

The agenda for the day is as follows.

​8 am registration with coffee and Cinnamon Rolls

​8:30 am Opening of the Field Day

​9:15 am Live Planter Demo with discussions from Aaron Gault and Ken Sauder. 

​12 pm Lunch from the Homestead!

​1:15pm GTS introduction with Thawann Cardoso

​2:30pm Discussion of HeadSight and WearParts

​3:00 pm Wrap Up/ Questions