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5000 Stalk Devastator

from Yetter

Break down corn stalks and protect tires

The Yetter Stalk Devastator is a field-proven stalk roller designed to protect tracks and tires during harvest and speed up stalk residue breakdown. 

Unlike stomper-style attachments, Stalk Devastator rollers use flat steel bars that knock over and crimp stalks. This allows water and air to enter stalks, facilitating faster decomposition.

Today’s hybrid cornstalks cut into rubber tires and tracks on combines, tractors, and grain carts during harvest. With combine tire replacements costing up to $7,200 for the fronts and $3,000 for the rears, it's easy to see how the damage impacts your profitability.

The Yetter 5000 Stalk Devastator protects your investment. Its spring-loaded rollers attach to the bottom of the corn head. These rollers knock down and crimp stalks ahead of combine tires, preventing damage to equipment running both during and after harvest.

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